Hunza Images

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

What are biggest problems that Hunza is facing right now?

What are biggest problems that Hunza is facing right now?

اس وقت ہنزہ کو درپیش سب سے بڑے مسائل کیا ہیں؟

  1. Energy Crisis
  2. Alcohol Consumption
  3. Roads and Infrastructure
  4. Unemployement
  5. Drinking Water
  6. Lack of Leadership "Siyasi Yatimi"
  7. Unity
  8. Sewage, Environment & Sanitation
  9. Higher Education
  10. Unplanned construction and urbanization
  11. Increasing pollution
  12. Internet
  13. Declining standards of education
  14. Lack of political & social understanding.
  15. Source of Income
  16. Frustration/Depression
  17. lost of traditional values
  18. ہنزہ کیلئے با ضمیر لیڈرشپ کی سخت ضرورت ہے۔۔
  19. Mutmain begherati. So many problems but no sense of collective concern.
  20. Political leadership
  21. constant state of self denial to basic human rights - of expression and freedom
  22. Political activism and education,.
  23. In-migration from Pakistan and China
  24. اپنی شناخت۔۔ جس کی وجہ سے ہنزہ کی نئی نسل شدید محرومیوں کا شکار ہے
  25. Khana e Hikmat
  26. Compatibility issues between Hunza men and Hunza women
  27. Lack of Natives(Hunzai's) in Hunza.
  28. lack leadership
  29. electricity load shading and not enough water for irrgation
  30. Everything
  31. cultural homogeneity to an extent of OCD
  32. Ever widening generation gap btwn parents & children
  33. Quality Education
  34. collective inflated sense of piety
  35. low quality commudities
  36. racism
  37. Weak and self-serving leadership
  38. KIU board
  39. Lamborgini.
  40. Maturity
  41. prostitution
  42. community involvement in business

What are biggest problems that Hunza is facing right now?

اس وقت ہنزہ کو درپیش سب سے بڑے مسائل کیا ہیں؟

Voters for this option
  • 721
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  • 480
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  • +138
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  • +83
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  • +83
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  • +68
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